Thursday, December 10, 2009

New Years Resolutions

Every year I make them, most years they get abandoned. I am motivated and ready to go, get some things in order. Some are ambiguous because of the openness of a blog (as in my mother and daughter read this), but:
1. Financial. Done 03/2010 Savings Goal Reached.
2. Financial.
3. Financial.
4. Weigh 140 pounds.
5. Financial.
6. Finish one project per month.
7. Finish all 20 books on my list, in my library, before purchasing any new.
8. Empty or use one box of supplies (I currently have 3, it is ridiculous) (that is not even counting what is left in CT), this would be shampoo, toothpaste, lotion, etc.
9. Use all groceries in storage by end of summer. Want to start fresh with canning in the summer.
10. Update my Knitting/Sewing/Embroidery list.
11. Complete by Associates Degree by 12/31/2010 (I'm not sure how many classes are left either 3 or 4). The school is auditing my transferred classes so I know what I have to take yet. Update: I have two classes left and am taking them both right now. 03/2010

#10 is done and it is ridiculous. I have 79 projects and I'm sure if I scrounged around I could find another to make it an even 80.  Again, this does not even including the 4 rubbermaid containers in CT.  I will never live long enough to get them all done.

It is cold -3 with a -14 wind chill. We didn't get the snow the rest of the family did, but it is cold.

1 comment:

  1. 1 down 10 more to go! You know I love the weight loss one! Get back on track. I loved getting the updates of how great you were doing! I am to lazy to open another account so this is being left anonymous but you know who it is.
