Thursday, March 25, 2010

Card Party

Went to a card party tonight and it was really fun, I could get really get into this. It is making cards, not playing them. We made two Easter cards (I'll get pictures tomorrow). Mainly we just get together and talk, renew friendships, catch up and eat a treat. Treat was fresh strawberries with chocolate drizzled  on them - yum.   Tonight the main topic was the Healthcare situation. What a mess. Enough said.

We had snow this week, that was kind of a surprise. By the weekend it is supposed to be in the 50s which will be greatly appreciated.

Dan is at another meeting in Bismarck, left today, back tomorrow night.

Really not much going on other than school and work.   No knitting, no weaving, no quilting, no reading.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Hat done

John's hat is done and turned out pretty cute. Hopefully he will still have time to wear it.

I need a baby to try things on, a lamp just isn't the same. This little one would do, she is gorgeous (go to January 7th entry).

Finished shopping for Audrey and John's Easter baskets, bubbles, sidewalk chalk, trucks, Zuzu pets, jelly beans. I miss my kids being little, I want a do over.

Today was beautiful, warm, sunny, water running and dripping everywhere. It is wonderful.

This weekend will be full of studying, writing papers, ironing work shirts, laundry and cleaning. Only about 7 weeks left.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Weaving weekend

This weekend of weaving was wonderful. This is the scarf I finished during the class. Sam claimed this as soon as I showed it to him.

Close-up of weave.

Warp: Merino 2/6 Fleece Artist (hand dyed)
Weft: Nature Spun, Blueberry

After this was done I warped for another scarf.

The warp colors are green/black varigated and I am going to weft with black. The yarn that is woven at this point is waste  yarn. The look is a Beka loom that the owners of the Yarnery make and obviously sell at their store. (Don't look at the floor, it is horrible)

Some other goodies purchased on this trip:

This is Crazy Zauberball sock yarn. It will be fun to see how it knits up. Sorry for the blur.


 This is Cotton Ease in Maize. The picture looks more orange than yellow but in actuality the color is more yellow than orange. I thought it would make a stuffed duck for John for Easter.  We'll see if it gets done in time. Okay somehow this got totally screwed up. Hate when that happens.

This is what I won at the Rowan 30th Anniversary at the Textile Center. It was a great time. Met some really nice people and Kris met me for the presentation. (four skeins of Kidsilk Aura, plus the bag -- I love bags).

Snow and weaving

Quick short post before work. It snowed all day yesterday and is snowing this morning - errr.

Will post some pictures of weaving tonight. This past weekend was absolutely fabulous. The weaving class was great, thanks Theresa, it was fun to see Mom, Paul, Kris and Mira and have supper. The Rowan 30th anniversary was really cool (unfortunately forgot my camera) and the Textile Center is wonderful. I think I am going to have to join the MN Weaver's Guild. They have weekend classes for learning how to use floor looms and I'm sure they have classes for 4-heddle looms. I'm hooked. The weekend Yarnover is in the cities they (the Textile Center) is having their garage sale. Several of the people in my weaving class said that it is a really fun event.

Anyway got to go, time to get coffee running through my veins so I quit yawning and turn on the work computer. Hope you have a great day.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I am really trying not to buy yarn but had a coupon, so went to Hobby Lobby and bought some wool.  What can I say I am weak.  Anyway, John is getting a hat and mittens from it.  So far the hat is done except for the ties, it is washed and is blocking in the picture below.

The tweedy look is fabulous.

Pattern: Basic Earflap Hat -
Yarn: Fishermen's Wool (Hobby Lobby)
Needles: Addi Turbo 16" Size US 7; Susan Bates, Metal, Size 7 double points

Today the mail was great, we got the new Midwest Living and the new Piecework magazine. There is an article about  the Weave-It loom. Mom gave me one of these probably about 38 or so years ago and being the pack-rat that I am it is still in my cache of crafty things. I love this magazine, love the history of the pieces.

Finished another yearly goal - Savings goal reached locally at the Credit Union. I have a savings account that is on-line and my investment accounts but wanted to have some cash locally. This was saved from miscellaneous sources, not paychecks, i.e. E-bay sales, rebates, that kind of stuff.  Yeah - another one goal reached.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Favorite Blogs

I am going to on the side post some of my favorite blogs. There are a lot of them but I will definitely keep the political ones to myself and cut down the list to only the favorites.

Anyway this is probably my favorite blog out of all of them:

enjoying the small things

The link takes you to the first blog post I read, the birth story. Since then I have read most of her older posts back into 2007. Kelle is an amazing writer, mother and photographer. If you have the time to read her back postings or just the new ones you will be inspired.

Happy March

Sam finally got home from a basketball game, we won. We have pretty good teams in a lot of sports.

Happy March !!.  It is supposed to warm up this week, in the 40s and then snow maybe this weekend. It can't snow I have to drive to St. Paul for my weaving class. So excited.

I don't know why it has taken so long for the birds to find our feeders this year. But finally they have arrived.
This woodpecker was huge and yes I went out and filled the other bird feeder.

On the knitting front here are two pictures of a blanket I sent to John about a year ago. It was so squishy soft.
Obviously one side patchwork and one side has stripes. The pink is a darker rose color.  Unfortunately I don't remember any of the specs for this one.  Anyway I hope he liked it.