Saturday, June 19, 2010

Fabulous finds

Today we didn't really have anything to do. Sam is still in China, the weather was okay, no rain but no sun either. We went to a small town in Montana as they had a city-wide rummage sale. There are always treasures to behold and we hit the jackpot today. It was a blast.

Beautiful chip-free Pyrex baking container.  $1.00  The yellow and orange are just happy colors.

Baked donut pan - just because it sounds fun. $2.00

Double boiler because Dan thought he needed one to melt chocolate. (We haven't make any candy for years, but you know what, it makes as much sense as a donut pan).  $2.00

Grilling tools - These we will definitely use. Grand total $.50.

Vegetable slicer - this was nostalgic. Not quite sure why we got it as we have another vegetable slicer. Maybe you can never have too many.  $.50.

Old ironing board- it was too wonderful to pass up. $1.00.

These didn't come from the rummage sale - these are from the garden. They have a wonderful fresh taste, starts off mellow and then get a bite to them. Nothing better than fresh vegetables.

One of the best finds of the day was two boxes of old craft magazines. There are probably over 200 magazines, The Workbasket and Women's Household. I've been slowly paging through them. Some are in perfect condition, some have recipes cut out but so far all the patterns are intact. So far the oldest magazines are from 1952 -The Workbasket; and 1965 - Women's Household. They have that old musty sell of history.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend.