Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Good/The Bad

The good is that I made my 50,000 steps last week with no problem and have a good portion already started for this week. This week starts a new program at the Fitness Center that I have signed up for, it is a point system based on weight loss (if you choose), and time exercising. Should be fun and also a little more motivation. This is Good.

Finished a few more goals this week #2 (Reading two books) and #4 (Paying off Citibank) is done. They are the easy ones. The knitting and quilting ones are easy, just take much more time, but they are getting worked on. This is also Good.

This weekend Sam's wrestling tournament was canceled. The weather here, although nice and much warmer in the mid 30s, is so windy. There are no hills or a lot of trees to block the blowing snow so it drifts horrendously. We ended up staying in Bismarck last night because the roads were closed off. Today on the way home there were 10 cars in the ditch, one upside down. At times we were driving on sheets of ice, kind of scary. There was a high school basketball tourniquet in Bismarck also on Saturday and none of the kids could get home so they were at all the hotels. Finally at 12:30 Dan called down and asked them to do something about the girls, giggling, screaming and running up and down the halls, we were wiped out. This was not so Good.

The reason we went to Bismarck was to go shopping as Dan was a little stir crazy. Was a great weekend to go. Old Navy had 50% off their 50% off merchandise. I got 3 shirts for $2.50 each, a coat for $12.50 red of course, Sam got three shirts, some boxers, messenger bag, got some gifts for next Christmas, some socks for myself (6 pair for $1.50) and then Dan got some items too. It was great. Picked up some clearance stuff at Barnes and Noble, Bath & Body, Hallmark, Jo-Ann Fabrics and then got groceries at a Supermarket there. The selection, at the bigger grocery stores, is so much nicer than here in Watford and significantly cheaper. We stocked up on chocolate chips for $.99 and got a bunch of other stuff. Anyway, it was fun, other than the drive home.

I called Tina and told her about the Old Navy sale and she did pretty well too, getting some stuff for this year and next year. She had a good time. It is fun to get a deal, especially when you actually need the stuff you are getting, not just buying it because it so cheap, which in the end isn't really a deal.

The one thing I was really looking for I didn't get which is size 2 bamboo circular needles so will just have to order those. I need a skein of yarn to finish some socks I am making so will place the order this week.

At Barnes and Noble I bought a calendar to keep track again of how much I spend. It is amazing when you have to write it down what you can blow money on. Kind of like food if you have to write it down you might not eat it.


  1. So So So proud of you for completing your steps. Hopefully when you get more comfortable with the whole process and transformation that you will be making you will put up photo's. Thanks for the info about the sale. I really did have a blast getting all that great stuff and for so cheap. I also went to sticks n stuff and that wasn't totally impressive. But I had a girlfriend that was getting rid of a lot of her stuff so I got a 4 post bed and some fake flowers very nice stuff. I will take pictures. I also got a small table and chairs for the patio. So all in all ended up doing really well as far as sales go this week.

  2. Great shopping for both of you. Hey, Leslie,
    that warmth isn't coming here and it looks like
    the weekend is going to be cold again. Darn!
