Monday, August 17, 2009

Good Things About Coming Home

The mail --

Lots and lots of mail.  We received 4 rebates, $6, $50, $50 and $16.  Two were Verizon phone rebates. Sam wanted a new phone so I got one too, total out of pocket was about $40 for both (The $50 rebates). The $16 is Dan's for paper at Staples and the $6 was at Menards in the form of a check that you have to use there, which is fine will just roll it into another rebate.

Also received some great coupons from Pssst for Fiber One yogurt and Vocalpoint for the new Bounce Bar fabric softener.  Anybody want some, just leave me a note and I'll get them out.

This morning before working also sent out some rebates from shopping in CT. Rite-Aid spent $24.22 and will be getting back $16.49 and $6.99. Also went to Staples picked up a couple of items - spent $32.91 and will be getting back $28.99.  Also went to CVS but that trip got a little messed up as one of the ECB didn't print (Actually right now I can't find the receipt with the ECB on it, that's a problem).

The garden --
The other big thing with coming home is if you have a garden you know what I am going to say. The weeds grew like crazy while we were gone.  Apparently there were some pretty good storms as the beans are laying on the ground and everything looks a little beat up.  I did pick beans and got a strainer full and have 6 zucchini sitting on the counter. Last night for supper we had some beans (about 1/3rd) and six ears of sweetcorn. The sweetcorn needs a little more time.   We have huge tomatoes and are just waiting for them to ripen.  

This week is supposed to be cold yet again. We didn't hit the 70s until about noon and tonight is supposed to get down in the 50s.  Way to cold for August. We need about a week of really warm weather for the garden to finish up.  

The State of North Dakota is looking for about 200 gardeners in the state to test some new vegetables. Each gardener can test two and then fill out an evaluation form.  Sounds like fun and think I will do it.  These are Asian types of vegetables testing to see if they will thrive here.

Still unpacking so no pictures today. Will probably work some more tonight as we are a little behind.

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