Sunday, May 23, 2010

What do you do when you are sad/anxious/stressed

Apparently I bake. We had graduate recognition this morning in church and I kind of lost it. They had the kids come up individually and have a slide presentation with baby pictures through graduation.  At this point I weep a little and soon my friend behind me is sniffling and then I start weeping more, my friend in front starts wiping her eyes and we are all soon a mess. After all the kids were done whoever wanted to go in front of the church and pray surrounding the kids went up and we all have a group hug and cry. The kids were probably thinking we were nuts but that's fine, they are supposed to think we have lost it a little. Don't get me wrong I am excited that he is moving on, it is how it is supposed to be, but with Sam it is the end of so many things since he is the last.  Anyway it is obvious I need a nap as I'm still kind of weepy but instead made rhubarb cake, rhubarb blueberry muffins and beer bread. The beer bread is for supper tonight with chili.

Rhubarb cake:
Rhubarb/blueberry muffins:
Yes there are only 10 as I ate two when they were hot and steamy with a cold glass of milk. They are really good.

Bread is still in the oven so no pictures. The recipe for the bread I got from the comment section of Enjoying the Small Things (one of my favorite blogs).  Smitten Kitchen is another really great cooking blog. She has a book coming out, so will have to pick that up.

We had cold rainy day yesterday and today is absolutely beautiful, sunny, warm, breezy.  Finished planting the garden yesterday. In total we have 5 rows of radishes, 5 rows of peas, 5 rows of green beans, 5 rows of yellow beans, 6 tomato plants, sage, parsley, rosemary, 3 hills of zucchini, 2 hills of watermelon, and a ton of sunflowers.  This morning I noticed the radishes are up, can't wait for radish sandwiches - yum. Now the great struggle begins as to who will win, me or the weeds. I'll let you know how it goes.

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