So a lot has changed since the times I last wrote. I found this blog by chance, forgot I had ever started it. Our little city of 1500 has grown to about 15,000. With the price of oil I know people are getting laid off but there still seems to be an influx of new people, people looking for a chance to have a better life from wherever they have come from.
Currently in our town we are building a new jail, new high school, new event center, new hospital and nursing home, probably a new middle school, countless apartment complexes, town homes and single family homes in addition to the roads being torn up every which way you try to get out of town. Maybe with the slowdown we as a community will be able to catch up, catch our breath.
This weekend we are taking the bike that the husband bought me from Overstock to a bike shop to get fixed. I should have read the reviews on the bike, they were horrible for good reason. The bike is really a cute bike but to put it together is nearly impossible without an expert. To start it did not come with directions for the specific bike, just general instructions. The husband thinks they sent the wrong front tire too. Son #2's bike needs to be fixed so we are taking that too. In addition, we are going to donate about 15 boxes of stuff I went through. Was going to have a yard sale but way too much work. There are so many other things to do that I have decided to fore go it this year.
Beautiful evening, slight breeze, in the mid 70s.
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