Every year I make them, most years they get abandoned. I am motivated and ready to go, get some things in order. Some are ambiguous because of the openness of a blog (as in my mother and daughter read this), but:
1. Financial. Done 03/2010 Savings Goal Reached.
2. Financial.
3. Financial.
4. Weigh 140 pounds.
5. Financial.
6. Finish one project per month.
7. Finish all 20 books on my list, in my library, before purchasing any new.
8. Empty or use one box of supplies (I currently have 3, it is ridiculous) (that is not even counting what is left in CT), this would be shampoo, toothpaste, lotion, etc.
9. Use all groceries in storage by end of summer. Want to start fresh with canning in the summer.
10. Update my Knitting/Sewing/Embroidery list.
11. Complete by Associates Degree by 12/31/2010 (I'm not sure how many classes are left either 3 or 4). The school is auditing my transferred classes so I know what I have to take yet. Update: I have two classes left and am taking them both right now. 03/2010
#10 is done and it is ridiculous. I have 79 projects and I'm sure if I scrounged around I could find another to make it an even 80. Again, this does not even including the 4 rubbermaid containers in CT. I will never live long enough to get them all done.
It is cold -3 with a -14 wind chill. We didn't get the snow the rest of the family did, but it is cold.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Maybe third time is the charm
We'll try again at this blogging thing. Sam is sitting here doing art and Algebra, he would rather be just about anywhere else.
The house smells fantastic. In the oven now is a loaf of zucchini bread. Rhubarb muffins are already done and there is a loaf of white bread in the bread machine. The zucchini and rhubarb is what was frozen from the garden this summer. A concerted effort has to be made to get it used up as last year I threw a bunch of stuff out. The living room smells like pine as we decided to get a real tree and am so glad we did. It seems like a waste to cut down a tree just to throw it out but it is so worth it. The tree is beautiful, takes up about 1/4th of our living room. It expanded a little more than we expected when it got warmed up.
The cat was sick but is now doing much better. He is on antibiotics and special food. Amazing how perky he can be after laying around for a few days.
Dan and I had our first Christmas party on Tuesday for Rotary. Have another one on Friday for the hospital, that includes dancing and this year bingo-- I love Bingo. On Sunday a group of ladies, 4 of us, from the church are going to Minot (about 2 hours away) to see the living Christmas tree program at one of the churches. We will go shopping a little depending on the time and then out to eat afterwards. These are great ladies it will be fun.
Finally last night I finished school for this semester. It seemed like it would never get here. I had one paper to write last night so after the party grabbed a glass of wine and went for it. Unfortunately I should have not sent it last night as I was thinking about it today and could have elaborated a little more than I did. It will be fine anyway.
The house smells fantastic. In the oven now is a loaf of zucchini bread. Rhubarb muffins are already done and there is a loaf of white bread in the bread machine. The zucchini and rhubarb is what was frozen from the garden this summer. A concerted effort has to be made to get it used up as last year I threw a bunch of stuff out. The living room smells like pine as we decided to get a real tree and am so glad we did. It seems like a waste to cut down a tree just to throw it out but it is so worth it. The tree is beautiful, takes up about 1/4th of our living room. It expanded a little more than we expected when it got warmed up.
The cat was sick but is now doing much better. He is on antibiotics and special food. Amazing how perky he can be after laying around for a few days.
Dan and I had our first Christmas party on Tuesday for Rotary. Have another one on Friday for the hospital, that includes dancing and this year bingo-- I love Bingo. On Sunday a group of ladies, 4 of us, from the church are going to Minot (about 2 hours away) to see the living Christmas tree program at one of the churches. We will go shopping a little depending on the time and then out to eat afterwards. These are great ladies it will be fun.
Finally last night I finished school for this semester. It seemed like it would never get here. I had one paper to write last night so after the party grabbed a glass of wine and went for it. Unfortunately I should have not sent it last night as I was thinking about it today and could have elaborated a little more than I did. It will be fine anyway.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Water park pictures
This was the end of a very long hot day at the waterpark/amusement park (Lake Compounce). Really nice guy asked if he could take a picture of all of us. People basically, for the most part, are really nice.
Rained and hailed today. Between the rain showers we have beautiful blue clear sky and then another cloud rolls in and lets loose. Kind of weird, we haven't really had a summer with the dry weather and heat.
Tomorrow I am going to dehydrate onions, probably in the garage so it doesn't stink up the house. There is a cake pan full already cleaned and ready to be sliced. Finally get to try out my new dehydrator!!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
I'm sick
I started having allergy problems in CT and now has turned into a full blown yuck-fest. Sore throat, runny nose, headache, aching, tired, crabby, etc, etc.
Hope this ends soon.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Good Things About Coming Home
The mail --
Lots and lots of mail. We received 4 rebates, $6, $50, $50 and $16. Two were Verizon phone rebates. Sam wanted a new phone so I got one too, total out of pocket was about $40 for both (The $50 rebates). The $16 is Dan's for paper at Staples and the $6 was at Menards in the form of a check that you have to use there, which is fine will just roll it into another rebate.
Also received some great coupons from Pssst for Fiber One yogurt and Vocalpoint for the new Bounce Bar fabric softener. Anybody want some, just leave me a note and I'll get them out.
This morning before working also sent out some rebates from shopping in CT. Rite-Aid spent $24.22 and will be getting back $16.49 and $6.99. Also went to Staples picked up a couple of items - spent $32.91 and will be getting back $28.99. Also went to CVS but that trip got a little messed up as one of the ECB didn't print (Actually right now I can't find the receipt with the ECB on it, that's a problem).
The garden --
The other big thing with coming home is if you have a garden you know what I am going to say. The weeds grew like crazy while we were gone. Apparently there were some pretty good storms as the beans are laying on the ground and everything looks a little beat up. I did pick beans and got a strainer full and have 6 zucchini sitting on the counter. Last night for supper we had some beans (about 1/3rd) and six ears of sweetcorn. The sweetcorn needs a little more time. We have huge tomatoes and are just waiting for them to ripen.
This week is supposed to be cold yet again. We didn't hit the 70s until about noon and tonight is supposed to get down in the 50s. Way to cold for August. We need about a week of really warm weather for the garden to finish up.
The State of North Dakota is looking for about 200 gardeners in the state to test some new vegetables. Each gardener can test two and then fill out an evaluation form. Sounds like fun and think I will do it. These are Asian types of vegetables testing to see if they will thrive here.
Still unpacking so no pictures today. Will probably work some more tonight as we are a little behind.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
We are back in ND
What a long, fun, exhausting trip. Will post pictures tomorrow. Had a great time with the children and grandchildren. Next time we fly, 32 hours is too long of a drive (each way). Got some knitting done in the car when the roads weren't totally tore up and rough, there is a lot of construction going on.
Work is going to be wild for a while as one person is off for a week and another is having surgery on Wednesday so we will be short staffed.
Don't know much else, unloading the car, cleaning up from supper, checking e-mail and going to bed.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Rib Fest and Road Trip
In North Dakota, about 1 hour from Watford we have the Enchanted Highway. It is just a road in the middle of no where with sculptures that different artists have produced. In keeping with ND as being one of the best bargains for vacations it is a fun day trip. You end up in a little town, which I can't remember the name, which has a really nice little restaurant with good home cooking. It really is a beautiful drive and is kind of fun when you come around the corner and see one of these big sculptures.
Tonight Watford had Rib Fest. There was a smaller art and craft fair along with ribs, lots of ribs. Different businesses compete for 1st place, which includes bragging rights, a little cash and a trophy. Last year the hospital won, this year a new business in town won. Bought a beautiful purse and coin bag. Pictures tomorrow.
Today the background fabric for the table runner(s) was purchased, a dark green and a dark purple. Maybe I will have them done this weekend. The linoleum guy is supposed to come back tomorrow, we'll see if he shows up.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Quilting and gardening
Can you see him/her? See what he/she is right next to? My beans.....but he/she is so cute, just a baby. Sam and I go out and talk to him/her every morning. There is no name (yet). Dan already informed us we can't have another pet.
Went to quilting tonight and had a great time. I need to go to our local store and purchase some dark green or dark purple fabric to use on my 9-patch table runner. I have backing fabric already from mom so will only need to purchase a small amount and was also given some hints on how to quilt it, so hopefully this weekend I will have a finished product. I also took the apple core fabric and they were highly impressed (I think they just want me to keep sewing/quilting so went overboard) with my first curve. One of the quilters in the group is Kathy Johnson who works at a quilt store in Williston and also teaches a ton of classes. She is doing a one woman show yet this summer and is organizing all her quilts which she estimates to be about 150. Wow -- I think I will be excited if I even finish one. She does fabulous work.
Picked some more yellow beans and another zucchini from the garden. I'm not sure what happened to the green beans because all I am getting is yellow, which is fine because they are so good when they are fresh.
Today a gentleman laid linoleum in the kitchen. He is quite a character but does a fantastic job. Really likes to talk, said he would be done at 5 and left at about 7:30. He has to come back and put the refrigerator and stove back. He is also coming back on Saturday to tear apart the bathroom, lay subflooring and linoleum. Our bathroom is currently carpeted and is gross. After that we are going to sand the hardwood floors (I'm still trying to find someone I can hire) and are awaiting the new curtains. Then we are done. I am not a good living in chaos but will be nice when it is done.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
This was my project from yesterday that I couldn't figure out how to download. This past weekend Dan and I went to Bonanzaville in West Fargo. Bonanzaville by itself is really historically interesting but this past weekend they also had an Art Fair. There was knitting, nalbinding, quilting, felting, toothbrush rugs, tatting, weaving, and there was a lady making yo-yo's. Dan dropped me off and I stayed until I was done, had a great time. From one of the quilting shops I bought a charm pack of floral prints and a pack of apple cores for a table runner. I started with one apple core and didn't like my layout so will take that to quilting tomorrow and get the help of the professional quilters. Did start the charm pack and decided to do 9 patches (the picture below).
Had my mammogram today so am done for the year with all testing and exams --yeah!!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Rain, Rain, keep it coming
A few knitting pictures per the request of mom.
Dishcloth made of Sugar and Creme, fun little knit from the Dishcloth Knit-Along. The group knits two washcloths every month, one a pattern one a lace pattern. Last year I made a goal to knit every one and reached the goal. This year is more pick and choose.
The lousy picture blow is a pair of socks I made for Danielle's birthday. The paint on the floor is what we found when we pulled up the carpet this fall. We still need to refinish the floor. The sock is kind of lacy even though it is hard to see on the picture. The yarn was from Hobby Lobby and ends up being about $5 with a 40% off coupon.
It finally started to rain a little this evening which we need desperately. From the garden we have already had beans (yellow and green) and stir-fried zucchini. There are also many more zucchini which will be ready this week so will be able to freeze some shredded for muffins this winter. The tomatoes hopefully will be ready next week.
Today was a day off for me as we were very low on work so I volunteered to take it off. This is what I accomplished. Okay the photo's didn't download, will try again tomorrow.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Trying something new
Okay I just uploaded some photos and will try to upload them using iphoto.
This was our snow storm last week. Quick and then gone.
Our four rhubarb plants after thinning out. Obviously will have to pick again.
This is the book I got for Mother's Day, love, love, love it. Although it is Norwegian so is a little hard to decipher. A friend and I went to the Good Shepherd Home (nursing home) and spoke with a little 90 year old lady who knows Norwegian. She was able to read the big print but not the majority which was really small. The book contains mostly patterns for new hand coverings based on old samples they found which are also shown in the book.
The last picture is the over eager garden Sam and I have going this year. There is one part that is not included in the picture which is planted in yellow and green beans, top part on the picture has onions, middle space will be for tomatoes and the end has sweet corn and squash. Now hopefully we get the necessary rain.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Try again
Okay after pressure from Mom and Tina I am here again.
The weather has been absolutely beautiful, in the 70s but very windy. I hung laundry out today (only 1 load) and had to put extra clips on to keep it on the line. The stuff was dry in about 10 minutes. It was actually so windy that we lost power for about an hour. Through this whole terrible (snowy and cold) winter that we had, we never lost power. Quite a comparison to CT when we were losing power all the time and those lines were even buried.
The quilt show in Duluth is coming up in early June which should be a good time. Haven't signed up yet and need to by the 10th or you have to wait in line to register. Still not sure if I want to take any classes or just go, look at the marketplace, buy a few trinkets, and just relax. I feel like there is enough on my plate without trying to add quilting. There is also a fantastic yarn shop in Duluth where I can get some hemp to make string bags for the farmer's market.
Will try to get some pictures up tomorrow of some knitting, see if I can remember how to do it since its been a while. Dan bought a pot of bulbs that we have transplanted and they are starting to bloom. The flowers in the front are purple (don't know what they are but mom will) and the tulips in the back I don't know about yet but I'm sure it will be pretty.
There is a gentleman in town who is going to come and till up the garden space tomorrow. I can't wait. Sam said he is going to help so we'll see how long the enthusiasm lasts. We will be about doubling the size of the garden and doing some companion planting to take advantage of space.
Sam has 11 days of school left and is so ready to be done. He counts down every morning.
Love to all,
Friday, January 23, 2009
Presidental communication
We'll see how this works. I sent the President a message/question today which I would almost guarantee will not receive a response. Basically I asked since he now reestablished federally funded abortions how that improves our economy, job situation, security. Personally I would not want abortion to be illegal again, too dangerous but that doesn't mean I want to pay for it to be performed. I'm sure no where in the constitution does it provide for the government paying for medical procedures, I'm not an expert but I highly doubt it. I suggested maybe he pay for them or have the people who paid for part of his little party pay for them. I'll need to check out Yahoo to see if there is a group committed to bringing down their income enough not to pay taxes as a means of protest. Hopefully.
Big weekend with wrestling as there is a tournament in town. It is so nice when they are in town because when your team isn't competing you can come home. Most of our other meets are about 2 hours away, so, not possible.
Hope every one has a great weekend.
Big weekend with wrestling as there is a tournament in town. It is so nice when they are in town because when your team isn't competing you can come home. Most of our other meets are about 2 hours away, so, not possible.
Hope every one has a great weekend.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
The Good/The Bad
The good is that I made my 50,000 steps last week with no problem and have a good portion already started for this week. This week starts a new program at the Fitness Center that I have signed up for, it is a point system based on weight loss (if you choose), and time exercising. Should be fun and also a little more motivation. This is Good.
Finished a few more goals this week #2 (Reading two books) and #4 (Paying off Citibank) is done. They are the easy ones. The knitting and quilting ones are easy, just take much more time, but they are getting worked on. This is also Good.
This weekend Sam's wrestling tournament was canceled. The weather here, although nice and much warmer in the mid 30s, is so windy. There are no hills or a lot of trees to block the blowing snow so it drifts horrendously. We ended up staying in Bismarck last night because the roads were closed off. Today on the way home there were 10 cars in the ditch, one upside down. At times we were driving on sheets of ice, kind of scary. There was a high school basketball tourniquet in Bismarck also on Saturday and none of the kids could get home so they were at all the hotels. Finally at 12:30 Dan called down and asked them to do something about the girls, giggling, screaming and running up and down the halls, we were wiped out. This was not so Good.
The reason we went to Bismarck was to go shopping as Dan was a little stir crazy. Was a great weekend to go. Old Navy had 50% off their 50% off merchandise. I got 3 shirts for $2.50 each, a coat for $12.50 red of course, Sam got three shirts, some boxers, messenger bag, got some gifts for next Christmas, some socks for myself (6 pair for $1.50) and then Dan got some items too. It was great. Picked up some clearance stuff at Barnes and Noble, Bath & Body, Hallmark, Jo-Ann Fabrics and then got groceries at a Supermarket there. The selection, at the bigger grocery stores, is so much nicer than here in Watford and significantly cheaper. We stocked up on chocolate chips for $.99 and got a bunch of other stuff. Anyway, it was fun, other than the drive home.
I called Tina and told her about the Old Navy sale and she did pretty well too, getting some stuff for this year and next year. She had a good time. It is fun to get a deal, especially when you actually need the stuff you are getting, not just buying it because it so cheap, which in the end isn't really a deal.
The one thing I was really looking for I didn't get which is size 2 bamboo circular needles so will just have to order those. I need a skein of yarn to finish some socks I am making so will place the order this week.
At Barnes and Noble I bought a calendar to keep track again of how much I spend. It is amazing when you have to write it down what you can blow money on. Kind of like food if you have to write it down you might not eat it.
Finished a few more goals this week #2 (Reading two books) and #4 (Paying off Citibank) is done. They are the easy ones. The knitting and quilting ones are easy, just take much more time, but they are getting worked on. This is also Good.
This weekend Sam's wrestling tournament was canceled. The weather here, although nice and much warmer in the mid 30s, is so windy. There are no hills or a lot of trees to block the blowing snow so it drifts horrendously. We ended up staying in Bismarck last night because the roads were closed off. Today on the way home there were 10 cars in the ditch, one upside down. At times we were driving on sheets of ice, kind of scary. There was a high school basketball tourniquet in Bismarck also on Saturday and none of the kids could get home so they were at all the hotels. Finally at 12:30 Dan called down and asked them to do something about the girls, giggling, screaming and running up and down the halls, we were wiped out. This was not so Good.
The reason we went to Bismarck was to go shopping as Dan was a little stir crazy. Was a great weekend to go. Old Navy had 50% off their 50% off merchandise. I got 3 shirts for $2.50 each, a coat for $12.50 red of course, Sam got three shirts, some boxers, messenger bag, got some gifts for next Christmas, some socks for myself (6 pair for $1.50) and then Dan got some items too. It was great. Picked up some clearance stuff at Barnes and Noble, Bath & Body, Hallmark, Jo-Ann Fabrics and then got groceries at a Supermarket there. The selection, at the bigger grocery stores, is so much nicer than here in Watford and significantly cheaper. We stocked up on chocolate chips for $.99 and got a bunch of other stuff. Anyway, it was fun, other than the drive home.
I called Tina and told her about the Old Navy sale and she did pretty well too, getting some stuff for this year and next year. She had a good time. It is fun to get a deal, especially when you actually need the stuff you are getting, not just buying it because it so cheap, which in the end isn't really a deal.
The one thing I was really looking for I didn't get which is size 2 bamboo circular needles so will just have to order those. I need a skein of yarn to finish some socks I am making so will place the order this week.
At Barnes and Noble I bought a calendar to keep track again of how much I spend. It is amazing when you have to write it down what you can blow money on. Kind of like food if you have to write it down you might not eat it.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Sorry no pictures. Time got away from me and so did the sunlight.
Walked 10194 steps today.
Will do better tomorrow.
Walked 10194 steps today.
Will do better tomorrow.
Gurney's Sale
If you are putting in a garden this year and order from Gurney's they are having a 50% off sale today only. We don't plant that much so won't take advantage of the sale. We will again plant mostly tomatoes and possibly expand a little bit into other vegetables but have to find a way to keep the deer from eating them. They liked the green beans last year.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Another One Bites The Dust
Another goal has been achieved -- yah!! #9 is done, John's blanket. Pictures tomorrow, it is too dark tonight. I only had to finish sewing it together which is the part I really dislike the most.
Also started the Walk North Dakota program. Went to the Fitness Center today and exercised for an hour. As of this time, which I'm about done for the night and have 8941 steps. Will leave it on until bedtime so I can get over 9000 steps. To stay on track with the program with working out 5 days a week you need to do 10,000 steps per day. Maybe I will stretch it into 6 days, we'll see how the schedule works.
Sam had school off today. We had about 3-5 inches of snow but were under blizzard warnings. It was a beautiful day so they should have gone to school. Last Saturday he placed fourth in his wrestling tournament. The team took first place.
Also started the Walk North Dakota program. Went to the Fitness Center today and exercised for an hour. As of this time, which I'm about done for the night and have 8941 steps. Will leave it on until bedtime so I can get over 9000 steps. To stay on track with the program with working out 5 days a week you need to do 10,000 steps per day. Maybe I will stretch it into 6 days, we'll see how the schedule works.
Sam had school off today. We had about 3-5 inches of snow but were under blizzard warnings. It was a beautiful day so they should have gone to school. Last Saturday he placed fourth in his wrestling tournament. The team took first place.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Walk North Dakota
Goal #11 is done. I have signed up for the walking program which starts on Sunday.
Grocery Shopping/Anniversary
Although grocery shopping is not the most exciting thing in the world we went tonight out of necessity. It was kind of fun as we have Albertson's in our area. When shopping there you have to be really careful on the specials as they are very specific. Tonight we did good. We ended up paying $42.48 for a bunch of groceries (didn't take a picture sorry). We used a $5.00 gift card from a previous purchase, and saved $51.54 (savings, coupons and double coupons), and in addition have 3-$5.00 coupons off our next visit. My kind of shopping. I am really trying to concentrate on stocking up on items when they are on a really good sale and I have coupons to match.
Went to Wal-Mart and picked up a manicure set for $2.50 and a few other little items we may use for Christmas gifts next year, stocking stuffer type items.
Today we (Dan and I) celebrated our 28th anniversary. Sometimes it doesn't seem that long, and sometimes seems like forever......we both say this so it is okay. He bought me a very beautiful locket and he got a kaleidoscope.
Work has changed in that we are now on a rotating weekend schedule. There are six of us rotating so will only have to work about 8 weekends a year. I probably won't know what to do with myself after working the past three years every weekend but I'm sure I'll figure something out.
Went to Wal-Mart and picked up a manicure set for $2.50 and a few other little items we may use for Christmas gifts next year, stocking stuffer type items.
Today we (Dan and I) celebrated our 28th anniversary. Sometimes it doesn't seem that long, and sometimes seems like forever......we both say this so it is okay. He bought me a very beautiful locket and he got a kaleidoscope.
Work has changed in that we are now on a rotating weekend schedule. There are six of us rotating so will only have to work about 8 weekends a year. I probably won't know what to do with myself after working the past three years every weekend but I'm sure I'll figure something out.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Started exercising today at about 4:15, for about 45 minutes and then had to get ready for a party tonight for the Economic Development and Chamber of Commerce groups. Was fun.
I have decided to order another skein of sock yarn for the #8 item on the list instead of cutting the socks short or using a different color which I would have to order anyway. All the yarn shops are having sales but not on the yarn I need. It is temping but will resist.
All my e-bay items have been paid for so I'm pleased.
I have decided to order another skein of sock yarn for the #8 item on the list instead of cutting the socks short or using a different color which I would have to order anyway. All the yarn shops are having sales but not on the yarn I need. It is temping but will resist.
All my e-bay items have been paid for so I'm pleased.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
All my current e-bay listings are done. Listed 5 books and 1 movie. All that didn't sell was one book. Yipee. Hopefully they will all pay quickly and I can get them out of the house this week.
Well out of the list of 10 #1 can be crossed off. Joined the fitness center this afternoon and will be going back at 4 to start. I am also adding a #11 onto the list.
11. Sign up for Walk North Dakota.
Currently I am having to revise #8 a little. The yarn I am using is only 215 yards and I need 210 meters which equals 229 yards. The yarn has some black in it so I'm considering doing the heel and bottom of the foot in black. I would think that should be enough to keep with the original pattern, otherwise I will make the cuff shorter which I'm not sure I want to do. Next time I need to look at the yarn pattern and amount of yarn closer. 14 yards is a lot of knitting when it comes to socks.
11. Sign up for Walk North Dakota.
Currently I am having to revise #8 a little. The yarn I am using is only 215 yards and I need 210 meters which equals 229 yards. The yarn has some black in it so I'm considering doing the heel and bottom of the foot in black. I would think that should be enough to keep with the original pattern, otherwise I will make the cuff shorter which I'm not sure I want to do. Next time I need to look at the yarn pattern and amount of yarn closer. 14 yards is a lot of knitting when it comes to socks.
January To Do List
The following is my To Do List for January. I decided to do a monthly list rather than a resolution list as I never seem to keep them. I don't think I do well planning a whole year ahead.
Each month there will be 10 things To Do if I can think of that many.
For January:
1. Join Fitness Center.
2. Read Two Books (1 is complete)
3. Lose 8 pounds.
4. Pay Citicard Balance (Not a big issue, few Christmas gifts).
5. Complete Bella's shrug. (Friend's granddaughter)
6. Complete YoYo Doll.
7. Cut out quilt pieces.
8. Complete Christmas Socks (gift for next Christmas).
9. Finish John's blanket.
10. Make doctor's appointment.
All of the above are easily completed if I stay on task and not get distracted.
The weather is beautiful today in the 20s so will be walking downtown to run some errands. The people in town do not do a very good job at keeping the sidewalks clean so the walkers take to the streets.
Some of my favorite sites for finding deals using coupons and rebates are:
If you are into doing the rebates, CVS ECB, using coupons these are great sites.
Each month there will be 10 things To Do if I can think of that many.
For January:
1. Join Fitness Center.
2. Read Two Books (1 is complete)
3. Lose 8 pounds.
4. Pay Citicard Balance (Not a big issue, few Christmas gifts).
5. Complete Bella's shrug. (Friend's granddaughter)
6. Complete YoYo Doll.
7. Cut out quilt pieces.
8. Complete Christmas Socks (gift for next Christmas).
9. Finish John's blanket.
10. Make doctor's appointment.
All of the above are easily completed if I stay on task and not get distracted.
The weather is beautiful today in the 20s so will be walking downtown to run some errands. The people in town do not do a very good job at keeping the sidewalks clean so the walkers take to the streets.
Some of my favorite sites for finding deals using coupons and rebates are:
If you are into doing the rebates, CVS ECB, using coupons these are great sites.
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